Create your own AWS S3 Glazer Storage

In today's digital age, data storage requirements are growing exponentially, placing significant strain on IT infrastructure and budgets. 

Traditional disk-based storage solutions are expensive to scale, power-hungry, and contribute to significant carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. 

To overcome these challenges, a hybrid storage approach that combines disk and tape technologies can offer a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. In this blog post, we will explore how incorporating tape storage into your S3 storage architecture can help reduce costs and CO2 emissions while maintaining high data availability and reliability.

To implement a robust S3 storage solution using disk and tape, it is essential to select the right combination of products that fit your organization's needs. IBM Elastic Storage Server (ESS) or IBM Spectrum Scale, a software-only alternative, can serve as the foundation for your storage infrastructure. These solutions provide a unified global namespace and powerful data management features, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.

To leverage the advantages of tape storage, integrate IBM Spectrum Archive and IBM Diamondback Tape Library into your architecture. IBM Spectrum Archive allows seamless integration of tape libraries into existing workflows and applications, making it easy to use tape as an S3 storage target. IBM Diamondback Tape Library offers high-density storage with excellent performance, allowing you to store PB amounts of data cost-effectively.

The combination of Spectrum Scale and Spectrum Archive can help you to create a cost-effective solution that can scale to a Yottabyte size filesystem.

IBM Elastic Storage Server (ESS) or IBM Spectrum Scale provides a software-defined storage solution that supports high-performance file, object, container persistent storage and Hadoop-based analytics workloads. It enables flexible data placement across a variety of storage tiers, including flash, disk and tape. By utilizing IBM Spectrum Scale's policy-based tiering capabilities, you can automatically migrate infrequently accessed data from flash, disk to tape, optimizing cost efficiency.

IBM Spectrum Archive offers an innovative approach to storing data on tape. It leverages the Linear Tape File System (LTFS) technology, making tape storage as easy to use as disk storage. With Spectrum Archive, you can access and manage data on tape using familiar file system interfaces. This enables seamless integration of tape storage into your S3 infrastructure, allowing you to take advantage of tape's lower cost per terabyte.

IBM Diamondback Tape Library is an enterprise-class solution designed to address the challenges of massive data growth. It provides high-density storage and scalability, accommodating hundreds of petabytes of data in a single library. The library offers advanced features like encryption, data integrity verification, and automated data movement, ensuring the integrity and security of your data.
In the future, “our guess” is that the Spectrum Archive team should support IBM Dimondback all functions soon, but IBM Dimondback is supose to have multiple tape libraries spread out in the same or multiple datacenters and run erasure coding between the libraries to get maximum performance and security protect level of your data.

By incorporating IBM Spectrum Archive and IBM Diamondback Tape Library into your S3 storage architecture, you can achieve significant cost savings. Tape storage costs a fraction of disk storage per terabyte, making it an ideal solution for long-term data retention and archival purposes. Additionally, tape requires much less power consumption compared to disk, resulting in lower energy costs and reduced CO2 emissions, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

If you want to create a much smaller solution, the IBM TS4300 Tape library is a great alternative where you can scale from a couple of TB to PB in the beginning and then expand as the data growth.


Building your own S3 storage solution using disk and tape technologies can provide a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional disk-based systems. By combining IBM Elastic Storage Server or IBM Spectrum Scale with IBM Spectrum Archive and IBM Diamondback Tape Library, you can create a robust and scalable storage infrastructure that optimizes cost efficiency while reducing your organization's environmental footprint. Embracing this hybrid approach will empower you to meet the ever-increasing demands of data storage while driving sustainability in your IT operations.


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